
You are invited to submit an abstract for poster session in
KSAPT 2024 International Conference with the theme of Innovating PharmaTox 2024: Leading Change.

Submission Tracks:

Track 1:

Faculty, Consultant, Scientists, and Graduate Students.
Exclusive poster session dedicated to presenting authors only

Track 2:

Undergraduate Students and Professionals

If you haven’t registered yet,
do it now.

Competition Dates:

Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 06, 2024.

Notification on Acceptance/Rejection: Sunday, April 16, 2024.

Language & Content:

All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form (325 words max.).

General Conditions:

  1. Please note that only electronic submissions will be considered.
  2. Abstracts must be submitted by Saturday, April 06, 2024.
    , at the latest.
  3. Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: Sunday, April 16, 2024.
  4. Accepted Track 1 abstracts will be presented as a podium presentation on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
  5. Accepted Track 2 abstracts will be presented as Poster Presentations on Sunday, April 21, 2024.
  6. Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing. However, it is possible to withdraw an abstract five days after notification of acceptance.
  7. If selected, it is the presenter’s responsibility to bear his travel and accommodation expenses.

Presenting Author and Registration:

  1. Please verify that your email address is correct, as it will be used to contact you after the review process.
  2. Disclosure: Abstract authors are required to disclose any conflict of interest.
  3. the submitter ensures that all co-authors approve the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation.
  4. All presenters should register for the conference by April 16, 2024.
  5. Abstract authors must consent to the Policies of Abstract Submission.
  6. The Scientific Board of KSAPT reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific program that is not followed by a participant registration at the latest five days after notification of acceptance.

Contents of Your Abstract:

  1. Original works, reviews, and case reports of pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, toxicology, and other health-related fields will be accepted.
  2. The abstract text body is limited to 2250 characters, including space (around 325 words). (Please do not include the title and the author’s information in the text body (names and affiliations); this information will be required in the submission form).
  3. There are no limitations on the number of abstracts an individual can submit.
  4. The abstract must include the following structure:
    Background: A brief introduction about the topic.
    Aim: Clearly state the purpose of the abstract.
    Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly.
    Results: Present your results logically in the text, table, and illustrations.
    Discussion/Conclusions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that are drawn from them.
  5. No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics, or cities may be listed in the title or abstract text as a “blinded” review process will be used. Instead, you will be asked to enter the name(s) of the author(s) and their institution(s) when you submit your abstract online.
  6. Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” cannot be accepted.



For questions, please email: